Outside the four walls


As a child that was outdoors all the time, I feel that each and every child needs to spend time outside. Working in the outdoor industry is a huge responsibility because it is our JOB to teach and help others learn how to keep what we have beautiful! It is a tough job sometimes…

Everyday I lead a trip in the swamps of New Orleans area is a new day to learn something new. As I get older, I realize that I do not know as much as I would like. As I meet more people from all over the world, I realize that they are hungry for what the swamps has to offer. I wonder why the people of Louisiana are not as hungry for what the swamps has to offer in beauty? Maybe since we live here we do not go exploring our own backyard.

With our tours we have to opportunity show everyone the beauty of the swamps. An ecologically friendly canoe or kayak into the wild swamps of New Orleans area is what everyone needs to help clear their head of daily life. I think it is time to get outside of the four walls and go sit in nature.

See you on the water…

Just a ThoughtLegnd